How To Get Your Stock Tank Pool Ready For Summer

Summer is just around the corner, and if you're like most people, you're probably getting excited about spending time outdoors, soaking up the sun, and relaxing in the water. If you're lucky enough to have a stock tank pool, you're already a step ahead! However, before you can start enjoying your stock tank pool, there are a few things you need to do to get it ready for summer. It is very important to make sure everything is in working order before starting a new season, so let’s get started.

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1. Check for rust. If for some reason your stock tank has accumulated rust over the winter, you will need to get rid of the rust before proceeding to get your stock tank pool up and running. Even if you have a small bit of rust, it is better to address it before adding water and chlorine. If you ignore the rust, it will grow and make taking care of it a much bigger problem. If you don’t have rust, congratulations! Every year you make it without rust is a great one. Proceed to getting your stock tank pool ready for summer.

2. Clean the pool and refill, if necessary. Over the winter we usually have a small amount of water left in our pool. For us it usually has a good amount of leaves and bugs in it because we don’t cover it. If you did cover your pool, this may not be as much of a problem for you. We will use a skimmer to get all the large debris out and then use a brush to lightly scrub the walls and bottom to remove any algae that has formed. If the water and algae is really bad, we will use a sump pump or shop vac to get the old water out. However, you do NOT have to empty your pool. If you have a pool full of water, you will just need to clean as usual!

3. Re-attach your pump and make sure it is still working. If you live in a place that has cold winters, you likely stored your pump indoors over the winter. Once the chance of frost has passed, you can re-attach your pump and turn it on to make sure everything is still working. If for some reason your pump isn’t working, you can either contact the manufacturer (if you are still in your warranty period) or purchase a new pump. Late winter and early spring are the best times to buy a new pump as the prices haven’t skyrocketed yet for summer.

4. Check the Water Quality. Once you've refilled the pool, you'll need to check the water quality to make sure everything is balanced. Use a test kit to check the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels in the water. Adjust the chemicals as needed to ensure that the water is balanced and safe for swimming. Check out our blog post about this here.

5. Add Accessories and Decorations. Things like our ‘No Diving’ sticker set can give your stock tank pool a fresh new and fun look, while also reminding folks that the pool is indeed shallow. You can also add stock tank pool accessories like a solar cover to slightly warm the water in the early season. Also consider adding some pool toys, floats, and loungers, or decorate the pool area with some outdoor lights, umbrellas or potted plants. The possibilities in your stock tank pool area are endless!

And now your stock tank pool is ready for another season! With these simple steps, you can enjoy a summer full of fun in the sun with your family and friends. If you are interested in going into more detail about your stock tank pool care, check out our Stock Tank Pool Guide.

Savannah & Casey